Saturday, April 28, 2012

Welcome Friends

Saturday, April 28, 2012:

Welcome to my little soap box. This is just a howdy entry to introduce myself and let you know what this little blog is going to be about. You can have your opinion, just keep it to yourself.... No, just kidding, you can say anything you want so long as you keep it civil. If you're looking for an argument, I'll give you one, but if you get nasty, that's the end of your posting comments on my blog.

I'll try to post weekly about something that gets my attention and try to get yours, as I will do with my second post, which will come up later this weekend. I can't tell you the subject because... well, I won't know the subject until it hits me.

The main theme is "I Beg to Differ" simply because I seem to say that a lot. It could be that I am a cantankerous old fool, which I doubt. So, it must be that people are a bit too distracted by life to notice things as I do... plus, I am a cantankerous old fool who likes to disagree with everything.

Come by weekly and see what you think.